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Ausschnitt aus der Tabula Peutingeriana - Rom

Tabula Peutingeriana – Einzelanzeige

Toponym TP (aufgelöst):

Vmbro Flumen (Umbro Flumen)

Name (modern):


Zum Bildausschnitt auf der gesamten TP
Toponym vorher VI     Sena Iulia     
Toponym nachher XVI     Ad Mensulas     
Alternatives Bild ---
Bild (Barrington)


Toponym Typus:

Ortsname ohne Symbol


3B3 / 3B4

Farbe des Toponyms:


Vignette Typus :


Itinerar (ed. Cuntz):


Alternativer Name (Lexika):




Barrington Atlas:

*Umbro fl. (42 B2) [bezieht sich auf Umbro fl. (1)]

TIR / TIB /sonstiges:

Umbro fl. (TIR K 32, 184, 910)


Umbro fl.




Umbro (p. 74.22)

Ptolemaios (ed. Stückelberger / Grasshoff):






Datierung des Toponyms auf der TP:


Begründung zur Datierung:


Kommentar zum Toponym:

Kommentar (Talbert):
See the note for the Vmbro Fl. (1) stretch on the route immediately above.
ItMiller 289 wants the name to refer, not to a route station, but to the river (#24), even though (as he realizes) it is written in black ink, not red; he believes the figures XV and X following Vmbro Fl. to be distances from Bitvriza, therefore. I hesitate to concur on either count. The river name is given, as usual, at its source; unusually, it is also repeated near the mouth, but that may be because the copyist visibly redrew its course there, and wished to confirm the name. For a river name also to be repeated halfway along its course is not the map`s regular practice. A further cause of confusion must be that copyists, if not even the mapmaker too, failed to realize that there are two rivers called Vmbro, one a tributary of the Arnvs, the other flowing into the Tyrrhenian Sea: see BAtlas 42 A3 and B2.

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 296:
Umbro fl., Umbro (Ra), Umbron (Gu); j. bei Buonconvento am Fluß Ombrone. Von hier dürfte die via Clodia abzweigen nach Radicofani bis Acquapendente und in Valentano wieder it unserer Strecke zusammentreffen. 16.

Datierung (Barrington):
*Umbro fl. – ? (ItMiller 289)
= falsch! bezieht sich auf Umbro Fl. (1)!

Umbro Fl. 910
I, Toscana, Siena VII
Mansio/statio XII/b
a. Stazione della strada Siena-Chiusi, all`attraversamento del f. Ombrone, in Tab. Peut. a VI mp. da S(a)ena Julia (distanza errata) e XVI da ad Mensulas. Da ubicare al passaggio dell`Ombrone a SE di Colonna di Grillo, dove, a XIV mp. da Pieve di Sinalunga (Ad Mensulas) la strada da Chiusi incontra quella da Arezzo, per Ciggiano (Ad Ioglandem) e il Valico di Palazzuolo. A Sestano (a ovest, verso Castelnuovo Berardenga), pieve del VII sec., resti di una strada, pavimentata a grandi lastroni, e di un piccolo insediamento romano.
c. Tab. Peut. IV, 3-4; Rav. IV, 36; Guido 51.
e. Strada secondaria (certa). Insediamento.
f. Miller 1916, p. 296; L opes Pegna 1950-51, p. 432, nota 132; Maroni 1973, p. 22, 40; Tracchi 1978, pp. 32-34; Menichetti 1992, p. 316.


Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 296;

Umbro fl. (TIR K 32, 184)

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