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Part of Tabula Peutingeriana - Rome

Tabula Peutingeriana – Search

Toponym TP (renewed)

In this field is the renewed toponym name – as it is found on the Tabula Peutingeriana – without abbreviations, ligatures, and punctuation added.

Example:     Aque· Populanie·      →      Aquae Populaniae
templ· avgusti· Templum Augsti
Name (Barrington-Atlas)
Name (modern)

In this field, the modern place name from the Map-by-Map Directory of Barrington Atlasses (2 vol., ed. by R. Talbert, Princeton / Oxford 2000) in the English version or in the corresponding language of the place is found. When there is no modern place name listed in the Map-by-Map Directory, then the equivalent modern reading from Konrad Miller is listed (Itineraria Romana. Römische Reisewege an der Hand der Tabula Peutingeriana dargestellt, Stuttgart 1916). When Miller and the Barrington Atlas list different place names, then both relevant versions with the reference (Barrington) / (Miller) are shown.

Example:     floRentia· Tuscorvm·      →      Firenze o. Florence [both can be found]
Fȯns CameRata· Hammam des Beni Guecha (Barrington) / Lucet (Miller)
Name (Itinerary)
Name (Ravennat)
Grid Square

In this field the cartographical grid square according to the edition Tabula Peutingeriana, ed. by Michael Rathmann, 3rd ed., Darmstadt 2018 is listed. Thereby, all the grid squares are entered above which the written place name is stretched.

Example:     ITALIA˙      →      2B5 / 3B1 / 3B3 / 4B1 / 4B3 / 4B5
Fl? Padus· 2B3
Fl. GanGes / Fl. Ganges      11B2 + 11B5
Toponym Type

In this field the records on the Tabula Peutingeriana are sorted by category.

Example:     Tarento·      →      Name with Symbol
·SVe˙VIA· Region
Ins· CoRsica·      Island
Type Vignette

In this field all the vignettes are systemized based on the model of Annalina & Mario Levi, Itineraria Picta. Contributo allo Studio della Tabula Peutingeriana, Rome 1967

Example:     Tarento·      →      A Twin Towers
Roma F Great Vignette

In order for the users to work with suitable regions, the Tabula Peutingeriana was divided into 19 areas. A complete overview of all 19 regions is provided by clicking on the neighboring link.

Example:     Tarento·      →      Italy
·SVe˙VIA· Beyond Rhine/Danube
Ins· CoRsica·      Mediterranean Islands
Dating from Toponym on TP


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