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Ausschnitt aus der Tabula Peutingeriana - Rom

Tabula Peutingeriana – Einzelanzeige

Toponym TP (aufgelöst):

Ad monilia

Name (modern):

Moneglia? (Barrington) / Bracco (Barrington)

Zum Bildausschnitt auf der gesamten TP
Toponym vorher V     Ad Solaria     
Toponym nachher XIII     In Alpe Pennino     
Alternatives Bild ---
Bild (Barrington)


Toponym Typus:

Ortsname ohne Symbol



Farbe des Toponyms:


Vignette Typus :


Itinerar (ed. Cuntz):


Alternativer Name (Lexika):



ad Monilia

Barrington Atlas:

Ad Monilia (39 E5)

TIR / TIB /sonstiges:

Ad Monilia (TIR L 32, 19)


Ad monilia




°Ad Muniala (p. 70.26), Amonilia (p. 86.14)

Ptolemaios (ed. Stückelberger / Grasshoff):






Datierung des Toponyms auf der TP:


Begründung zur Datierung:


Kommentar zum Toponym:

Kommentar (Talbert):
-> stretch to in Alpe pennino:
The linework for this stretch is not marked.
The unsatisfactory arrangement here could possibly be attributed to the mapmaker. Space is tight between the two "symbol places" Genva and Lvne; there is a mountain range (#16) which lettering must avoid, as well as a river crossing just before each "symbol place"; and three of the five names to be fitted along the route are relatively long. Eventually there was the further hazard for copyists that the transition from one parchment to another has to be negotiated, although that may not have been a factor in the original production. With so little space available, the mapmaker evidently resorted to the inelegant expedient of making the Ad monilia stretch a "vertical" one, which the name - placed horizontally - would straddle; the chicane drop from the In Alpe pennino stretch to the Boron stretch is then correspondingly steep. But I suspect that eventually copyists no longer recognized this expedient, and hence started, but then in bafflement abandoned, the route linework for the Ad monilia stretch.

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 239:
Ad monilia, Ad Muniala und Munialia (Ra), Ammonilia (Gu); j. Moneglia – unten am Meere; die Station jedenfalls oben an der Straße, j. das Dorf Bracco. 13.

Datierung (Barrington):
Ad Monilia – Roman?/Late Antique (TIR Mediolanum 19)
§ Ad Munilia
§ Ammonilia

ad Monilia, eine auf der Tab. Peut. verzeichnete und vom Geogr. Rav. IV 32 und V 2 erwähnte Küstenstation der Riviera, das heutige Moneglia. [Hans Philipp].

Kommentar (Ravennat):
Corr. Ad Munilia.

Ad Monilia (Moneglia) R. IX (It.) Genova VII h
Mansio. Tab. Peut.; Geogr. Rav. IV 32; Guido 35. Lamboglia, Lig. Ant. I 236; Cimaschi 25.


Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 239;

Philipp, Hans, Monilia, ad, in: RE XVI.1 (1933), Sp. 125.

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