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Ausschnitt aus der Tabula Peutingeriana - Rom

Tabula Peutingeriana – Einzelanzeige

Toponym TP (aufgelöst):

Vlmospaneta (Ulmo Spaneta)

Name (modern):

Bačinci? [für Spaneta]; Tovarnik [für ‘Ulmo’]

Zum Bildausschnitt auf der gesamten TP
Toponym vorher XI     Cansilena     
Toponym nachher XIII     Sirmium     
Alternatives Bild ---
Bild (Barrington)

Balkanraum nördlich

Toponym Typus:

Ortsname ohne Symbol


5A3 / 5A4

Farbe des Toponyms:


Vignette Typus :


Itinerar (ed. Cuntz):

Spaneta (563,5); Ulmo (563,4)

Alternativer Name (Lexika):




Barrington Atlas:

‘Ulmo’ (21 B4), Spaneta (21 B4)

TIR / TIB /sonstiges:



Ulmo, Spaneta





Ptolemaios (ed. Stückelberger / Grasshoff):






Datierung des Toponyms auf der TP:


Begründung zur Datierung:


Kommentar zum Toponym:

Kommentar (Talbert):
It would seem that Vlmo and Spaneta were really two successive road stations (as in ItBurd), which the mapmaker, or a copyist later, has merged into one; there are still two stretches for it, however. Possibly the two names became merged along the first of these stretches because of a copyist`s need to accommodate the initial two letters of INFERIOR; then, when the two names were merged, the distance figure for the first was simply dropped.
-> stretch to Sirmivm:
One stretch is drawn as two.

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 446:
11, it. (Hi).
Ulmo, mansio Ulmo (Hi), Ulmi, Ulmos vicus (It bis), Ulmo (It bis); j. Tovarnik.
[10] (Hi).
Spaneta, irrtümlich mit Ulmo zusammengezogen, die Entfernung 10 fehlt; Spaneta (It), Spaneatis (Ra), mutatio Spaneta (Hi); j. Baćinće bei Kukojevce.
In Ladjarak 1 Meilenstein: Ab Aquinco m. p. 225 (CIL III 6466 = 10652); 1 anderer (in Mitrovica) zeigt die Entfernung 15 (ib. 3705).
13^1 [1: Irrig 12 (Bt).].
Dazwischen mutatio Vedulia (Hi), Budalia (It - von Spaneta 8, ad Sirmium 8); j. Martinče.

Datierung (Barrington):
‘Ulmo’ - Roman, Late Antique (ItAnt 267.1; TIR Aquincum 115).
Spaneta - Roman, LAte Antique (TIR Aquincum 105).


Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 446.

RE: -

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